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What is psychogenealogy?

Writer's picture: Lysiane NoirotLysiane Noirot

Psychogenealogy is a fascinating field at the intersection of psychology and family history. It is an exploration of the roots of the human being aimed at illuminating their emotional heritage and understanding the transgenerational patterns that influence their lives.

plusieurs photos représentant des portraits de différentes générations

The origin:

This trend, initiated in particular by the psychotherapist Anne Ancelin-Schützenberger in the 1970s, highlights the notion of transgenerational transmission within families.

It highlights the impact of the traumas of our ancestors on our existence and that of our children.

Psychogenealogy in therapy delves deep into the person's family history. It tends towards a better understanding of one's family and oneself by revealing in particular the secrets, the unhealed wounds, the repetitive behavior patterns and the unresolved mourning which are transmitted from generation to generation.

Studies on cellular memories

Recent research has highlighted how the emotional shocks experienced by our ancestors leave an imprint on our cells, affecting physical and mental health across generations.

From birth, these invisible legacies exert a powerful influence on our behaviors and emotions, often unconsciously, thus shaping our way of being in the world.

Am I affected by this phenomenon?

We all have a family, original and sometimes adopted. All families function as one large system of conscious and unconscious influence. Manifestations of these legacies can manifest in multiple ways, from repetitive behaviors and chronic illnesses to toxic relationship patterns and inexplicable phobias.

How to integrate psychogenealogy for yourself?

Faced with this complex reality, psychogenealogy is a psychotherapeutic trend that offers varied therapeutic approaches to unravel the invisible threads that connect us to our family past.

In psychotherapy, a systemic reflection of the problems is carried out, highlighting family dynamics and making it possible to explore the links between past events and present difficulties.

Family constellations, a specific form of brief therapy, provide a space to visually represent family members and explore the underlying dynamics that influence our lives.

As a therapist specializing in psychogenealogy and family constellations, my role is to support my clients in this deep exploration of their family history.

By highlighting these unconscious memories, we work together to release emotional blockages and pave the way for a more fulfilled and conscious life, for themselves and for future generations.

Thus, psychogenealogy offers a unique perspective on the invisible forces that shape our lives, inviting everyone to delve into the heart of their family history to better understand and transform their emotional heritage. By exploring the roots of our being, we can find the key to healing the wounds of the past and living fully in the present.

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