We live in a vast world of opportunity, with instant actions and communications.
But isn’t that backfiring?
In this digital age, where everything seems to happen at breakneck speed, have we lost the ability to cultivate authentic and meaningful relationships?

I feel like we have become conditioned to immediacy, unable to take the time to cultivate authentic relationships.
The phenomenon of ghosting is a striking example. We have become so accustomed to being ignored or abandoned without explanation that it has become the norm.
Worse yet, we are no longer really guilty of acting the same way towards others.
We throw our relationships in the trash like common objects, without considering the psychological consequences that there may be for the other person, or for ourselves.
This tendency to favor speed and efficiency to the detriment of the quality of relationships is worrying. We also find it increasingly difficult to trust others, which only makes the situation worse.
We find ourselves stuck in a cycle of distrust and isolation, unable to truly open up to others.
I sometimes wonder if we are still capable of doing anything other than swiping endlessly on our screens?
Slowness has become our enemy, and we've become so internalized in this instant gratification mentality that we've forgotten the importance of taking the time to cultivate relationships that truly matter.
Several studies carried out by Harvard researchers have proven that it is not the quantity of friends we have, but rather the quality of the relationships we have with them that is important for our development.
And if good relationships with family, friends and our community keep us healthy, loneliness kills us.
Take the time to invest in the relationships that matter to you, because it's definitely worth it. Try to open up, be authentic and trust. You might be surprised at the wonderful connections you could make.
So today I'd like to remind you that real relationships take time, effort and trust. And it’s at least worth it…to try?
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I am a passionate psychopractitioner and I support you in individual sessions in Besançon in the office (25) or by video no matter where you are on the planet.
🌄 We each have our own stories and their share of difficulties that go with it. Sometimes it becomes heavy to carry alone. My mission is to help you understand your discomfort whatever it may be and reduce it until perhaps making it disappear completely.
✉️ If you want to chat or ask me questions, you don't necessarily need to call me by phone, I'm also available on social networks or on WhatsApp!
