The back, this pillar of our body, is much more than a simple anatomical structure. He is the foundation on which our lives rest, supporting our physical and symbolic burdens. However, when imbalances arise, it manifests itself through pain, reminding us of its crucial importance. In this article, we will explore the different areas of the back, their physical and psychological meanings, as well as tips for caring for this precious part of our anatomy.

A psychological cause for our back pain?
It is important to understand the origins of back pain and take care of our precious spine.
The back, this faithful ally which carries the weight of our lives, is much more than a simple anatomical part of our body. It is the symbol of our strength, of our ability to support and protect ourselves.
When everything is going well, we don't even notice its presence. But as soon as an imbalance is felt, it reminds us of its importance in a very often painful way. Back pain can manifest itself in different ways, and it is crucial to understand its origins to better treat it.

The areas of the back and their meanings:
The back is divided into several areas, each with its own physical and psychological implications.
⦿ Upper back pain:
This region, including the cervical spine, is closely linked to our ability to communicate and assert ourselves.
The upper cervicals (C1, C2 and C3) are associated with a decline in intellectual self-esteem.
While the lower cervicals (C4, C5, C6 and C7) can reveal a feeling of injustice, whether for oneself or for others.
⦿ Middle back pain:
Located at the thoracic level, this area is the seat of our emotions and our need for support.
Thoracic vertebrae from Th1 to Th7 generally reflect a tendency to repress emotions for fear of hurting others or losing love,
The Th8 to Th12 vertebrae, for their part, indicate a need for comfort and affection despite a feeling of helplessness.
⦿ Lower back pain:
The lumbar region and the sacrum are linked to our feeling of security and confidence in life.
Pain at the lumbar level from L1 to L5 can result from financial, material or emotional insecurity, as well as a fear of failing in one's projects.
The sacral area (coccyx-sacrum) is associated with sexual difficulties and self-devaluation, often linked to a state of survival where one sacrifices oneself to maintain control over one's life.
Taking care of our backs:
We have seen that the back is much more than a physical structure. It is a reflection of our emotional and psychological state. Back pain can therefore have a psychological cause. This is why taking care of our back involves not only physical care, but also awareness of our emotions and behavioral patterns.
As a health professional, I can support you in this process by helping you understand the messages that your back is sending you.
However, it is important to remember that the psychosomatic track does not replace medical expertise, and that it is always recommended to consult a doctor in the event of persistent pain.
Back pain is a complex phenomenon that deserves our attention and respect.
By understanding the messages our back is sending us, we can not only relieve our physical pain, but also improve our emotional and mental well-being.
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And if you're interested in psychosomatic manifestations, I have other articles on this subject on other parts of the body, so don't hesitate!
I am a passionate psychopractitioner and I support you in individual sessions in Besançon in the office (25) or by video no matter where you are on the planet.
🌄 We each have our own stories and their share of difficulties that go with it. Sometimes it becomes heavy to carry alone. My mission is to help you understand your discomfort whatever it may be and reduce it until perhaps making it disappear completely.
✉️ If you want to chat or ask me questions, you don't necessarily need to call me by phone, I'm also available on social networks or on WhatsApp!
